Primary School

We are a public primary school located at Ngwanalaka Village
EMIS number 923241184

Poguti Maribulla Primary School is situated at 101 Ga-Mothiba, Ngwanalaka village.
The school is next to both Maja’s café and Ngwanalaka high School.
Our deeds shall speak


Empowering our learners to becoming future responsible citizen


By providing excellent teaching and learning in collaboration with the stakeholders


SCHOOL BELIEFS AND VALUES                                                   
  • Team work
  • Quality work
  • Excellency
  • Transparency
  • Integrity
  • Accountability

About Us image
To establish a good relationship amongst the staff, learners and the community.
To feed the learners and the community with the required knowledge and skills.
To prepare learners for the future.
To make the parents to be actively involved in the education of their children.
To teach the learners to behave well in and outside the school yard.
To market the school effectively.
To cluster with neighboring schools in computer literacy, OBE and other important educationally related matters.
To co-operate with the Department of education, other Departments, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Community at large.

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  • Phoguti Maribulla Primary School, 101 ga-mothiba, ngwanalaka village, Polokwane
  • PO Box 1001 Ga Mothiba 0726

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Poguti-Maribulla Primary School
Prospectus 2022


Foreword by the Principal, Mrs Mamabolo A.M

“Poguti-Maribulla Primary School (established in 1964) is a ‘Smart Centre’ with very high standard values and as the Fifth Principal of the School I take pride in leading the School. My vision is to produce leaders who will occupy seats in parliarment of South Africa who will make decisions that will transform our nation. I also take pride in developing our learners during their early foundation stages “

Contact details:
071 658 2302 (School contact number)
076 313 4788 (Principal – Mamabolo A.M)


This Website contains information about our school which will help participants to acquire understanding of the school and to help learners adjust in the school environment. The Smart center school has an enrolment of 735 leaners and 21 educators. The learners are hosted in 3 block buildings and are overcrowded.


Poguti-Maribulla Primary School is a no-fee school located at ga Mothiba (Ngwanalaka) village east of Polokwane. The school is situated next to Maja’s café and Ngwanalaka High School, 20 kilometres East of Polokwane City along the R71 road. The co-ordinates being 23°87’68”S; 29°65’08”E on the GPS. The school is under Kgakotlou Circuit under the leadership of Dr Sepuru M.G. in Capricorn South District. The school prides itself with competent and qualified educators.

The Address of the school is: P.O. Box 1001

MOTTO: Our deeds shall speak

MISSION STATEMENT: To provide excellent teaching and learning in partnership with parents and all stakeholders.

VISION: To empower learners with quality education that will groom them into future responsible citizens.

  • Team work
  • Quality work
  • Excellency
  • Transparency
  • Integrity
  • Accountability



South African School’s Act, 1996 (Act 84 of 1996) as Amended herein referred to as “SASA, 1996”. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa,1996 (Act 108 of 1996) National Education Policy Act (NEPA) ,1996 Children Act, Act 38 of 2005



Although attending assembly is compulsory to all learners, section 15(1 and 2) of the constitution as well as Section 7 of SASA 1996 cater for freedom of religion. The main aim of assembly is to instil a sense of belonging and confidence to all learners. Motivational speakers are invited to motivate learners at the assembly point.


Qualifying learners will be admitted at Poguti –Maribulla Primary school. No discrimination according to gender, race or nationality is practised.

Admission requirements
  • Birth certificate
  • Immunisation card
  • Completed admission form
  • Original transfer card
  • Copy of parents ID copy/ies.


The following extra-mural activities are observed at Poguti-Maribulla Primary School:
  • Soccer
  • Netball
  • Music
  • Athletics
  • Rugby
  • Volleyball
  • Cricket
  • Tennis


Excellence awards in the form of certificates are awarded to deserving learners at assembly at the end of each term. Trophies are awarded to excelling learners at the end of the year during grade 7 farewell function.


Among others, the following ceremonies are observed at Poguti- Maribulla Primary School.
  • Heritage Day
  • Mandela Day
  • Abor day
  • Grade 7 farewell
  • Fun day
